The Trimbakeshwar to Bhimashankar Grishneshwar Distance by car is approximately 236 kilometers and the journey takes about 4 hours and 32 minutes without traffic via NH60 and SH112. From Bhimashankar to Grishneshwar, the distance by car is around 271.8 kilometers, and the travel time is approximately 4 hours and 6 minutes.
Here’s a brief summary of the routes and distances:
- Trimbakeshwar to Bhimashankar:
- Distance: 236 km
- Route: NH60, SH112
- Travel Time: 4 hours and 32 minutes (approx.)
- Bhimashankar to Grishneshwar:
- Distance: 271.8 km
- Route: Direct route not specified
- Travel Time: 4 hours and 6 minutes (approx.)
Please note that these times can vary depending on traffic conditions and the exact starting and ending points within the cities. It’s always a good idea to check for real-time traffic updates and plan your journey accordingly. Safe travels!
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