Shirdi to Shani Shingnapur to Trimbakeshwar Distance

Shani Shingnapur Temple Maharashtra

Shirdi to Shani Shingnapur to Trimbakeshwar Distance

Shirdi to Shani Shingnapur to Trimbakeshwar Distance: The distance between Shirdi and Shani Shingnapur is approximately 69.1 kilometers (about 43 miles). You have two options for traveling between these places:

  1. Taxi: Taking a taxi is a convenient way to cover this distance. The taxi ride from Shirdi to Shani Shingnapur typically takes around 59 minutes and costs between ₹1,100 to ₹1,400.
  2. Driving: If you prefer to drive, you can take your own car. The road distance is the same, approximately 69.1 kilometers. The drive from Shirdi to Shani Shingnapur usually takes about 59 minutes and costs around ₹650 to ₹1,000.

Additionally, if you plan to continue your journey from Shani Shingnapur to Trimbakeshwar, here are the distances:

  • Shani Shingnapur to Trimbakeshwar via Shani Shingnapur Temple: Approximately 125 kilometers.
  • Shani Shingnapur to Trimbakeshwar via Shani Shingnapur Temple and Shani Shingnapur Temple: Approximately 246 kilometers.
  • Shani Shingnapur Temple (Shirdi) to Shri Trimbakeshwar Mandir: Approximately 83.00 kilometers (about 51.57 miles) or 44.82 nautical miles.

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