Nidhivan to Prem Mandir Distance

Nidhivan to Prem Mandir Distance

Traveling from Nidhivan to Prem Mandir Distance: Nidhivan and Prem Mandir are two of the most visited spiritual sites in Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh, India. This article provides a comprehensive guide on traveling between these two locations.

Distance and Travel Time

The distance between Nidhivan and Prem Mandir is approximately 4 kilometers. The travel time is around 15 minutes, but this can vary depending on the traffic conditions, which are commonly heavy on the route.

Travel Route

There are two main routes to travel from Nidhivan to Prem Mandir:

  1. Route 1: This route follows the Bhaktivedanta Swami Marg/Rina Road. It is the shorter route, covering a distance of approximately 294.472 kilometers. The travel duration for this route is around 17813 seconds.
  2. Route 2: This route follows the NH148 and NH21. It covers a longer distance of approximately 376.672 kilometers. The travel duration for this route is around 23437 seconds.

Means of Transportation

The best way to travel from Nidhivan to Prem Mandir is by walking or by small auto or e-rickshaw. This is because the Nidhivan temple complex is situated in the very narrow streets of Vrindavan. However, if you prefer a more comfortable ride, you can also hire a taxi.


Whether you choose to walk or take a vehicle, the journey from Nidhivan to Prem Mandir is a short one, filled with the vibrant sights and sounds of Vrindavan. As you make your way from one spiritual site to another, you’ll be immersed in the rich culture and history of this sacred town.

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